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Interactive site reflection

From the testers it was evident that our site was effective but still had some things that needed to be tweaked.  Many people said because every page is similar the didn’t know if they had to click to go to another page or if it was a page just for viewing.  I think we had enough interactive parts on the site but it seems like at times it is not as engaging as it could be. 


Does your home have Internet access? Yes

What do ISP’s  actually provide?

its what proveds internet acces to your home

What do they promise/guarantee?-internet to certain speed -phone calls

What does that mean?  They give you internet and phone calls that you can use at a standard price.

What happens if it fails?

You are not connected to the internet and cannot make phone calls.

Website Re-design

1.How does the design reflect and support the purpose of the site?
(think about color, image)

I tried to use CRAP in this website with similar colors, alignment and various designs.  It still shows that it is a website by a weather man because of the links and quotes on it.
2.Which of the 4 principles is most clearly evident? Explain their use.

I think the most visible principle is proximity.  Almost everything on the website is all in the left area of the website.

3.What 2 ideas did you uncover because of this task?

I think what I uncovered from this assignment is that it is ok to have open space.  You don’t necessarily have fill up every little space.  You can have certain parts open to make it look more purposeful.

Hosting Service Presentation

Mr. Bartlet,

Thank you so much for listening to our presentation for Spank Swimming.  I would just like follow up on a few points we covered on the presentation. 

After looking at your website and researching we think that it is important to have good and easy online shopping and a hosting service that will fit your web site.  After looking around for hosting services we found that JustHost.com is the best hosting service.  It is cheep and has great user ratings with both ecommerce and just web hosting ratings.  For Ecommerce we thought it is important to have something that is easy to use and access.  We saw that you had a PDF for your catalogue and we thought that is another area where you need improvement in order to beome a bigger and global company. 

Sincerely, Tamio Guild

HTML page

I think that the final HTML product fulfilled almost all purposes.  We were able to have different colors, fonts, font sizes, images, links, and background color.  I feel like we had too much space open space in the pages which is something that I think I could have fixed.

I think that for the first ever HTML that my partner and I have ever made it is pretty good.  But it is not as good as some of the others make.  Our codes were just very easy codes for things like the heading and colors.

I felt like my partner and I did a good job doing the jobs equally.  I don’t think we really had a leader and we just pretty much did the tasks 50 50.


The world wide web is to the internet as the Atlanta Hawks are to the NBA

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